The application process
Consultation process
Who is notified about an application?
There are minimum standards we use in terms of consultation on planning applications:
- Site notices will be displayed for all applications
- Press notices will be displayed in the Shropshire Star for the following application types:
- Departures from adopted development plans
- All major applications
- Development within conservation area
- Works to listed buildings
- Development affecting a public right of way
- Town and parish councils – the relevant town or parish council will be notified for all applications
Planning application process
How long will an application take to be determined?
Most applications typically take six to eight weeks to be determined. However, major applications carry a longer determination period of up to 13 weeks. If the applicant agrees, determination periods can be extended if further time is required, such as to amend plans or submit further information.
Who makes the decision?
Applications will be determined in one of two ways:
- Under officers' delegated powers
- By the area planning committee
Scheme of delegation
Our scheme of delegation is as follows:
- Applications made by, on behalf of, or relating to the property of members or officers of the council who hold politically restricted posts, or who either directly or indirectly report to the Environment group manager
- Applications made by the council, or in relation to land owned by us, which aren't in line with statutory functions (for instance, classroom extensions etc were delegated to officers, but speculative proposals on council-owned land would not be)
- Applications accompanied by an environmental statement
- Complex or major applications, which in the view of the Environment group manager, or the service manager with responsibility for development management, in consultation with the committee chairman or vice chairman, should be determined by the relevant planning committee
- Member call-in: applications requested to be referred by the local member to the relevant planning committee within 21 days of electronic notification of the application, and agreed by the service manager with responsibility for development management in consultation with the committee chairman or vice chairman, to be based on material planning reasons
- Parish and town councils: for applications where the parish council submit a view contrary to officers (approval or refusal) based upon material planning reasons, the following tests need to be met:
- These contrary views cannot reasonably be overcome by negotiation or imposition of planning conditions; and
- The area manager or principal planning officer, in consultation with the committee chairman or vice chairman and the local member, agrees that the parish/town council has raised material planning issues, and that the application should be determined by committee
How long do they have to comment?
The consultation period for an application lasts 21 days. If additional information is received or changes to a proposal are made, it may be necessary to reconsult relevant parties. A decision on who to consult and the period of time given is made by the case officer.
Applications can't be determined until expiry of the consultation period.