Street naming and numbering charges

The naming and numbering of streets is a statutory function of the council and is an increasingly important aspect of modern life, often taken for granted. Shropshire delivers a comprehensive and high standard service for naming streets and numbering or naming properties which allows:

  • Emergency services to find a property quickly (delays can cost lives and money)
  • Mail to be delivered efficiently
  • Visitors to find where they want to go
  • Reliable delivery of services and products
  • Records of service providers to be kept in an effective manner

Our street naming and numbering service charges cover the cost of checking the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) for possible address duplications, entering the new/amended address(es) into the LLPG, liaising with Royal Mail and obtaining a relevant postcode, and then informing the Emergency Services and other interested parties when the address(es) have been officially created or amended.

New individual address
Charge (£)


New addresses on developments up to 25 plots – per plot
Charge (£)


New addresses on developments of more than 25 plots – per plot between 26 and 50 plots
Charge (£)


New addresses on developments over 50 plots – per plot for plots 51 and above
Charge (£)


House rename or renumber
Charge (£)


Addition of a house name to a numbered property
Charge (£)


Changes to development after initial notification
Charge (£)

£50 per affected property

Confirmation of postal addresses for solicitors or conveyancers and all consultees
Charge (£)

£45 per property

Pay your fee or for more information please email