Community transport
Community transport groups are independent charities or voluntary organisations working to support local people. They seek funding from a number of sources to run services, and welcome donations.
Who is community transport for?
This service is for people who may not be able to use or have access to public transport. This may be people who can't walk to a bus stop and may need assistance to travel, or it could be someone living in a rural area where public transport is not available.
It can also be used to help groups of people get to events and activities such as theatre, sport and festivals, among others.
What can they offer?
- Door-to-door transport in local areas
- Vehicle hire with volunteer drivers to get to events and activities
- Maximum size is a 16-seater minibus
How do I contact them?
Below is a list of all community transport providers operating in Shropshire, with their contact addresses and telephone numbers.