What is the European framework?

This document is an EU requirement relating to tender processes for operators to be considered for providing transport services on our behalf. All of the operators we use to provide transport have registered on the framework.

What do I do if I'm interested in providing transport for Shropshire Council?

You can add your name to a reserve list by emailing us via the contact details on this page. We can then contact you when the next framework process is opened.

How do I make sure that I get asked to quote or tender every time transport is required by Shropshire Council?

If you're registered on the framework you'll be notified of all contracts being tendered via our electronic procurement system.

I'm interested in tendering for local bus contracts - what's the difference between minimum cost and minimum subsidy contracts?

A minimum cost contract is one where you work out all the costs of operating the service and that's the price that you tender - you'll then be paid the tender price less the revenue from fares.

A minimum subsidy contract is one where you work out all your costs of operating the service, subtract your estimate of fares revenue, and tender the net cost - this is the price you'll be paid.

What do I do if I have concerns about the transport provided?

Don't hesitate to contact us using the information on this page if you have any further queries. Further information on transport contracts and operations is available on our information for operators page.