Shropshire bus enhanced partnership

National Bus Strategy 

On 30 June 2021. Shropshire Council gave approval to proceed with the development of an Enhanced Partnership. The commencement of this is confirmed through this notice of the intention to prepare an Enhanced Partnership Plan and accompanying Enhanced Partnership Schemes, as required and set out in section 138F of the Transport Act 2000.

We along with the members of Shropshire Bus Enhanced Partnership have agreed an Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme from 1 April 2022. Following the required Local Bus Operator objection period and consultation with key stakeholders, the published plan and scheme can be found here.

As part of the key stakeholder consultation, points were raised for the Partnership to consider, however, no objections have been noted. 

Further Information

In March 2021, the government announced a new National Bus Strategy Bus back better – GOV.UK ( Alongside the delivery of this strategy, there is an expectation that local transport authorities work towards forming “Enhanced Partnerships” with their local bus operators by April 2022. This will also include the development of a Bus Service Improvement Plan.

What does this mean?

An Enhanced Partnership is an agreement between a local authority and local bus operators to work together to improve local bus services. It includes a clear vision of the improvements that the partnership is aiming for and accompanying actions to achieve them. The local authority has formal responsibility to form the partnership. They can only proceed with proposals if they have the support and input of local bus operators.

Who is part of the Enhanced Partnership?

The following are represented as a member of the Shropshire Bus Enhanced Partnership;

  • Shropshire Council’s Passenger Transport Group
  • Arriva Midlands
  • Bennetts Travel
  • Celtic Travel
  • Diamond Buses
  • Lakeside Coaches
  • Minsterley Motors
  • Select Bus Services
  • Tanat Valley Coaches
  • Shropshire Community Transport Consortium
  • Shrewsbury Dial-a-Ride
  • Bus Users Shropshire

Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)

In October 2021, as part of the National Bus Strategy, Local Transport Authorities are required to produce a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) that outlines the vision for bus services in their area. Our initial prospectus was submitted in October 2021 and reviewed in October 2022.

On 12th June 2024 we submitted our latest BSIP prospectus for 2024 which was a refresh of our submission back in 2021. This highlights our vision and ambition for public transport in the county over the next few years should funding become available.