Missed collections

Report it

Please report missed garden waste collections to 0345 678 9007 or customerfirst@shropshire.gov.uk within two working days of collection. To report a missed recycling or rubbish collection please use our service portal or call 0345 678 9007, reports must be made within two working days of collection.

Before you report a missed collection please check:

  • That your containers were out on the right day
  • That your containers were out by 7am
  • That your containers were out in the correct place
  • That your lid was closed and no extra waste was next to your bin
  • That the correct waste was in the containers

We'll investigate the incident, and if your collection has genuinely been missed we'll come back and collect it within two working days. Please leave the container out in this time period for a potential return. There will not be a call-back to confirm what action (if any) will be taken.