Asset management
Asset management is a well-established discipline for the management of infrastructure assets. Many asset owning organisations have adopted the principles of asset management and as a result, can demonstrate benefits in terms of financial efficiencies, improved accountability and stewardship of the asset, better value for money and improved customer service.
Our highways asset management strategy defines our objectives for the management of highway assets in Shropshire and we are moving ahead to implement this strategy as a core part of the way that we provide our highway maintenance services. Information relating to the implementation of this strategy will be published here.
Asset management strategy
We're committed to adopting an asset management approach for the county highway network in order to support our high-level outcomes:
- Healthy people
- Resilient communities
- Prosperous economy
We place a high significance on our transport network, our most valuable asset. The network is vital to the economic wellbeing of our residents and businesses. The comfort and safety provided by our roads and streets is important to the quality of life in Shropshire.
Our asset management mission
To provide a highway network that enables Shropshire to be a great place to live, learn, work and visit by investing to give great value now and in the future, and giving our customers confidence in the decisions we make.
As a highway authority, we have a statutory duty to maintain, operate and improve the highway network on behalf of all its customers. We aim to do this through providing high value services in a legally and environmentally compliant and sustainable manner, without compromising the health and safety of our employees or customers. Our focus will be on achieving the following outcomes:
A safe network
- Complying with our obligations to maintain safety
- Helping users to feel safe
A serviceable network
- Ensuring the highways network remains available for users
- Achieving and maintaining desired degree of integrity
- Maintaining appropriate levels of reliability and journey times
- Achieving and maintaining a target condition of all major assets
A sustainable network
- Maximising the value of investment
- Maximising value to the community through sustainable economic development
- Maximising environmental contribution
- Efficient use of natural resources
We'll achieve these by developing strategies, plans and processes that will:
- Define desired levels of service for highway assets, in consultation with stakeholders
- Adopt a life-cycle approach to planning asset investment and management decisions
- Balance competing needs across the highway network and select options that best meet desired outcomes
- Monitor, evaluate and, where required, improve service delivery
- Ensure that the asset is managed using a clear understanding of the risks and consequences involved
- Provide for present needs whilst sustaining natural resources for future generations
- Adopt a continuous improvement approach to asset management policies and practices
- Empower and motivate the entire workforce involved in the operation and maintenance of the highway network
- Adopt collaborative and joint working initiatives to deliver effective and efficient services
This policy will be kept under review and be subject to change in the light of external or organisational drivers and developments in applicable fields, such as technology, operational tactics or asset care techniques.