Why are you doing this?

The project aims to improve public space, provide walking and cycling improvements in the Station Gyratory area, and connect to two new active travel corridors to the north and south. 

Who's paying for this work?

We secured external funding to improve public space and provide walking and cycling improvements in Shrewsbury town centre.

How will you keep residents and businesses updated?

We'll regularly update this website and our social media channels, and issue press releases on the project as it progresses. Also, a newsletter will be issued at key points of the work. Our contractor McPhillips will be speaking regularly with businesses.  

Is the sorting office still open?

The sorting office will remain open through the works - please check its website for the opening times.

Will there still be buses?

Yes. We're working with Arriva to make sure we can limit the disruption to its bus services and the park and ride, but the buses will still be running.  

Are there any diversion routes?

When closures are used to safely complete parts of the work, official diversions routes will be put on the network. However, as most of the work won't need the road closed official diversions won't be used for the whole programme. An informal diversion using the A5 is being suggested to road users. 

What about roadworks on neighbouring roads?

We've put an embargo for non-urgent work on neighbouring streets like Ellesmere Road, meaning only emergency works or new connections will happen while the work is happening.  

What wil happen when there's an event in the town centre?

The contractor McPhillips will review the traffic management on site when there's an event, and any changes will be communicated on this website and through our social media channels.  

I have a business on Castle Street - will I still be able to load and unload from the bus lane as I currently do?

Yes, the traffic management won't extend onto the bus lane and the restrictions there won't need to be altered while we deliver this work, so any existing arrangements will remain.

How do I reach the station when the work is finished?

From A528 Ellesmere Road

Travel southbound into town along the A528 Ellesmere Road, onto Coton Hill, and straight south onto Chester Street. At the Chester Street/Smithfield Road junction, take a left turn and you'll be able to enter the train station straight ahead.

From A5112 Ditherington Road

Travel southbound into town along the A5112 Ditherington Road, St Michaels Street, Castle Foregate, and you'll be able to access the train station on the left-hand side as usual.

From Shrewsbury Town Centre/Smithfield Road A458

Travel eastbound along Smithfield Road A458 and at the Smithfield Road/Castle Foregate junction you'll be able to access the train station straight ahead.