
The project aims to improve public space, provide walking and cycling improvements in the Station Gyratory area, and connect to two new active travel corridors to the north and south.

Shrewsbury Station Gyratory Artist's Impression Of Crossing Points

In early 2023 we secured external funding to improve public space and provide walking and cycling improvements in Shrewsbury town centre.  This includes the improvements around the Station Gyratory area which aim to ease movement through the area for visitors and users, improving accessibility and providing opportunities to redesign this space to reflect the historic character of our town. 
The Station Gyratory Public Space and Active Travel Improvements are just one part of the overall shared vision for the future of Shrewsbury town centre.  

Our proposals have been designed to align with the vision for Shrewsbury set out in:  

  • Shrewsbury Movement and Public Space Strategy (known as Shrewsbury Moves). The consultation was launched on 26 January 2024 and ran until 29 March 2024.

Developed by the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Partnership, Shrewsbury Moves is a ten-year vision and plan to transform movement and grow the economy in the town centre. Accessibility of public spaces throughout Shrewsbury town centre and connectivity to the wider active travel network are key principles in the strategy that have directly informed development of the LUF2 proposals for the Station Gyratory area. Our proposals represent an early scheme within the wider delivery of the strategy, and will continue to be informed by the strategy as the design and delivery works progress. 

Shrewsbury Station Gyratory Artist's Impression
Shrewsbury Station Gyratory Artist's Impression