Annual review FAQs
What section of the SEND Code of Practice relates to annual reviews?
Please refer to Chapter 9 of the SEND Code of Practice (Sections 9.166 to 9.185) for guidance regarding the annual review process.
What is an annual review meeting?
An annual review meeting is part of the process of reviewing a child or young person’s progress towards achieving the outcomes specified in their education, health and care Plan (EHCP). The review meeting must also consider whether these outcomes and supporting targets remain appropriate.
When should an annual review meeting take place?
The annual review meeting must be held within 10 months of the date when the original EHCP was issued. Subsequent review meetings will be held within 10 months of the conclusion of the previous annual review process i.e. when the decision was made to maintain or amend the EHCP. (See flowchart).
How can I find out when a pupil's annual review meeting is due?
A letter communicating the decision following the previous annual review is sent to parents, educational providers, health, social care and other involved professionals. The next annual review meeting will be due 10 months from the date of the letter. You can ask the SENCo in the educational setting or you can contact the SEN Team
Can an annual review meeting be bought forward or delayed as necessary?
Yes, there are circumstances where it may be appropriate to bring forward the annual review where there has been a significant change of special educational needs or to meet the key transition dates. Annual reviews are a statutory process and must not be delayed. If there are very exceptional circumstances where a delay may occur, please contact your allocated case officer to discuss in the first instance.
Where should an annual review meeting take place?
In most cases, annual review meetings will be held at the educational setting attended by the child or young person. There may be exceptional circumstances where it will be appropriate for the annual review meeting to be convened by the Local Authority in a different location, e.g. where a young person attends programmes of study at more than one institution or if a child is home educated.
Who should arrange an annual review meeting?
It is the responsibility of the Local Authority to ensure that an annual review meeting takes place. In the majority of cases the Local Authority will request that this is undertaken by the school or other educational setting. The educational setting (Senco/Headteacher) will then be responsible for arranging, preparing and circulating the paperwork and inviting people to attend an annual review meeting.
Who should chair an annual review meeting?
In most cases, annual review meetings should usually be chaired by the Senco/Headteacher of the educational setting attended by the child or young person. Annual review meetings are generally most effective when led by the educational setting as they know the child or young person best, they will have the closest contact with the child or young person and their family and they will have the clearest information about progress and next steps.
Who should be invited to an annual review meeting?
The child’s parents, carers or young person, a representative of the school or other institution attended, a Local Authority SEN Officer, a Health Service representative and a Local Authority Social Care representative must be invited and given at least two weeks’ notice of the date of the meeting. Other professionals involved with the child or young person should also be invited which could include Early Help, Youth Offending teams, job coaches, Sensory Inclusion Service, short breaks provider etc. If the child/young person is approaching transition to another educational setting it may be appropriate to also invite someone from that setting. Parents or carers may wish to invite somebody to provide them with support or guidance, such as Shropshire Information Advice Support Service, SENDIASS. Young people may wish to have an independent advocate who they would wish to be included in the review meeting.
How much notice should be provided to attendees?
Attendees must have at least two weeks’ notice to attend however it is recommended 6 weeks’ notice is given to ensure everyone’s availability and to provide sufficient time for attendees to submit a written report or provide any additional information.
Can an annual review meeting go ahead if the parents, carers, child or young person are unable to attend?
Every effort must be made to rearrange the annual review meeting to an alternative date when the parent, carer, child or young person can attend, ensuring that this falls within the 12 month annual review process.
Can the child or /young person be present at the annual review meeting?
Yes, the SEND Code of Practice encourages children and young people to be involved in their annual review meeting and supported to give their views. It may be appropriate for them to attend part of the review and not the whole meeting.
Where can I find the annual review meeting report template?
All of the annual review meeting paperwork can be found on the annual review page of the local offer.
What documents need to be sent to the local authority with the annual review report?
Annual review report (this includes the parental/child/young persons views)
Annotated EHCP if suggesting amendments
Pupil Centred Plan or equivalent (current and reviewed)
Preparing for Adulthood document (Year 9 onwards)
Costed Provision Map
Any professional reports i.e. Health, Social Care (as appropriate)
Where do educational settings need to send the annual review paperwork?
All Shropshire educational settings need to upload the annual review paperwork to their 'Annual Review' folder on the Shropshire SEND Portal. If you are an out of county or an independent setting and you require access to the portal please email Early years settings need to email the paperwork to The portal will be rolled out to early years settings in 2025.
When do educational settings need to send the annual review paperwork to the SEN Team?
The annual review paperwork must be submitted to the SEN Team as soon as possible and no later than 2 weeks after the meeting date.
When will the SEN Team issue a decision?
Parents, carers, young person and school will receive a letter from the SEN Team confirming the LA’s decision (e.g. maintain, amend or cease) within 4 weeks of the annual review meeting date. This can only be achieved if the annual review paperwork is sent to the SEN Team within 2 weeks of the annual review meeting date.
Who can I contact to chase a decision?
Parent carers can check with the SENCo at the education setting that the annual review paperwork has been sent to the SEN Team at the local authority. If it has been more than 4 weeks since the date of the annual review and you have not received a letter with the decision you can email the SEN Team
If I have received notification that the EHCP is being amended when will I receive an amended copy?
A proposed amended EHCP should be received within 8 weeks of the LA decision letter. Please note the LA are only able to meet this timescale if the annual review paperwork is submitted within the two week deadline.
Can parents/young people appeal the decision?
Yes, a letter will be sent with the LA’s decision which will outline their rights of appeal and the timescales.
Who can I contact if I have a query regarding an annual review or the process?
You can contact the SEN Team,