Shropshire SENDIASS is based at Citizen's Advice in Shrewsbury. You can contact them using the details below. You'll need to leave a message on the Citizen's Advice answerphone and it will be directed to the team.
Phone: 01743 280019 (Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm)
Website: Citizens Advice - Shropshire IASS
Facebook: IASS Shropshire
Facebook (Young People): Young IASS Shropshire
If you're a young person there's a designated youth worker named Lynne who can speak to you. Lynne works one day a week and works directly with young people, supporting them with any worries or problems they might be experiencing, particularly at school or college. Young people can contact Lynne by email on, text 07706 069 739 or by messaging the Young IASS Facebook page.