Accessibility of services/adapting practice

All services are required to make 'reasonable adjustments' to meet the needs of their patients. This can include allowing home visits, meeting outside of normal working hours, making adjustments to the facilities to accommodate equipment or sensory needs, and much more.

If you have a specific need that should be considered when making an appointment or arranging a visit, you should always disclose and discuss this as soon as you're able. Practitioners are more able to accommodate needs if they have time to prepare for them effectively.

Although every effort should be made to accommodate need, sometimes it's not practicable to do so. If this is the case you're encouraged to share your concerns with the practitioner so that they can try to improve the experience you have when attending their service.

Feedback about good experiences is always helpful so that we can share it with colleagues to consider needs of families.

For more advice on access-to-health services, please take a look at the MENCAP FAQs.