BeeU Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service

Bee U (previously known as CAMHS) is the emotional health and wellbeing service for people, up to the age of 25, living in Shropshire. The service offers a range of advice and support depending on the needs of the child or young person. These services include:

  • The Children’s Society (known as BEAM) - you'll be able to access this service as a family, a parent carer or sibling, or as a child / young person (aged under 25). No appointment is needed for their drop-ins, which will provide low level strategies
  • Kooth - Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people. One-to-one and group support via a social platform for children and young people aged 11-25
  • Healios - A specialist online provider of mental health and neuro-developmental services with a mission to bring exceptional healthcare to anyone, anytime, anywhere

If at any point a child / young person or a family demonstrate a need for further help and support that can't be met by these service providers, these services are able to refer on to the next level of help.