Diabetes Service

The Diabetes Specialist Nursing Team is a clinically-led service that provides care, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes aged 0-19 years across Shropshire. 

They specifically provide care to children with with type 1 diabetes, or those with type 2 diabetes who manage their diabetes with insulin, or who are unable to control their diabetes with tablets alone and require injections.

They provide education, skills and knowledge in the management of the condition, and work in close partnership with patients to help them gain independence so that they can achieve the best possible outcomes for themselves as individuals. The services are inclusive and are age and development tailored.

Do you provide support for parents and carers?

Yes, we do provide support for parents and carers as diabetes affects the whole family in all aspects of the child’s life. 

Who can access the service? 

Children and young people with a diagnosis of diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) who are resident in Shropshire, aged 0-19 years.

How can we access the service?

Referrals are immediate at the time of diagnosis via local secondary care providers. Alternatively when children with pre-existing diabetes move into the area either with their families or into boarding schools or are placed in the county as a looked after child.

There is no cost for the service, the referral system is via the diabetes consultants in secondary care or your GP.

When and where is our service available?

Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm except public holidays.

Services are delivered in the child/young person's own home or usual place of residence, nurseries, pre-schools, school, college, holiday and after-school clubs. They also see children and young people when they attend their hospital clinics and In-reach into secondary care settings to provide training to the staff (doctors, nurses).

The team is based at Coral House in Shrewsbury but covers the whole of Shropshire.

How can families contact the service?

  • Diabetes nurses on 01743 450855 (option 2)
  • Diabetes doctors can be reached via the paediatric secretaries on 01952 641222 (extension 5980 or 5981)
  • Diabetes dietician on 01952 641222 (extension 4874)

In an emergency during working hours when you can't reach one of the team above or for out of hours support, ie after 5pm or at weekends, all patients requiring advice should contact the Princess Royal Hospital switchboard on 01952 641222 and ask to speak to the paediatric registrar for diabetes advice.

How can families complain if they're not happy with the service?

All complaints are handled by our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and complaints teams.