Feedback from parent carers

Partners from across health services and Shropshire Council are working together, in listening to feedback from parent carers and their children and young people, to improve the special education needs and disability (SEND) support available in the local area.

They'll be issuing a number of surveys to understand families’ experiences and to inform the Accelerated Progress Plan (APP), which sets out how they'll make improvements to SEND services in Shropshire.

The first of these surveys was used as a baseline to measure the impact of the APP. The results and actions taken from that survey are now available.

This second survey received over 200 responses and provided valuable insight into families’ experiences of SEND services in the local area.  We have listened to what people have said, taken action and set out a number of next steps which can be read in the Shropshire SEND Survey Report May 2024.

While we have made some really positive progress, we know we still have more to do, and we will continue to work with all our partners to develop the support available and raise awareness of what’s on offer to improve the experiences and outcomes for children and young people.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our survey and we hope you will continue to share your feedback to help us make progress on our ambition to improve the health and wellbeing of our children and young people.