Children’s Occupational Therapy Team

What is occupational therapy and how can it help my child?

Occupational therapists in our service help children who aren't able to do activities of everyday life, at home, due to illness or disability, to be as safe and independent as possible. This may include looking at new ways of carrying out activities, providing specialist equipment and/or adapting the home. 

You can find out more from our advice booklet.

What will a children’s occupational therapist do?

The occupational therapist will carry out an initial assessment, which usually takes place at your home. The assessment will consider those activities that your child wants to, needs to, or is expected to do, and identify strengths and challenges.

Following an assessment the occupational therapist may decide, with you and your child, to do one or more of the following:

  • Recommend and provide specialist equipment for use at home to support you and your child, with participation in everyday activities
  • Advise on/make recommendations for adaptations at home to improve access to essential facilities for your child, and advise on grants that may be available
  • Provide support and advice regarding rehousing
  • Provide support and advice regarding safety within the home
  • Explore new ways of carrying out activities
  • Signpost to other professional and voluntary agencies

What we don’t do

  • We don’t provide therapy, activity programmes, or school assessment. These services are provided by the Occupational Therapy team at Shropshire Community Health Trust. You can call their advice line on 01743 450800
  • We don’t complete sensory integration assessment or provide equipment to meet sensory needs. Shropshire Community Health Trust provide sensory information and advice on their webpage. You can call their advice line on 01743 450800
  • We're unable assist with behaviour modification programmes. Support with this is is offered by other services. Phone COMPASS for further advice: 0345 678 9021
  • We don't provide wheelchairs or specialist buggies. These are provided by the Shropshire Wheelchair and Posture Service. We may be able, where appropriate, to assist with making a referral to this service. For more information take a look at the Shropshire Community Health Trust website or phone 01743 444051
  • We don't assess for specialist car seats or harnesses - an assessment can be arranged through RDAC
  • We don’t provide items that are aimed at general home safety for children and are readily available for purchase. These items include standard monitors and alarms, window, door and cupboard locks. It's expected that prior to receiving an assessment you'll have already undertaken reasonable measures to keep your child safe. For more information on improving safety within the home and contact details for other services, please follow the link to our safety advice booklet

How can I make a referral for a child (0-18)?

For an assessment of your child’s needs at home, you can refer directly to the Occupational Therapy Service by calling COMPASS on 0345 678 9021. Phone lines are open Monday to Thursday, 8:45am to 5pm, and on Friday from 8:45am to 4pm.

How can I make a referral for an adult (18+)?

You can refer yourself or someone else (with their permission) directly to the Adult Occupational Therapy Service by calling the First Point of Contact team (FPOC) on 0345 678 9044.

What will happen once a referral has been made?

The referral will be sent by COMPASS to the Children’s Occupational Therapy Team, where a decision will be made as to whether the referral is accepted. A member of the team may contact you to gather additional information to assist in making this decision. If the referral isn't accepted the team will, where possible, signpost you to other appropriate services.

There's currently a waiting list to receive an assessment. As soon as the referral can be allocated to an occupational therapist you'll be contacted to arrange an assessment.

If your child’s needs change while you're waiting, please contact COMPASS on 0345 678 9021 to update the referral.

Contact us

For any children’s occupational therapy queries please phone COMPASS on 0345 678 9021.

For out of hours emergencies that can't wait until the next working day, please phone the Emergency Social Work team on 0345 678 9040.