Short Breaks statement

Our Short Breaks statement explains the range of short breaks we offer, who they're for, and how to apply for them. Here is a brief outline of the statement:

  • Short breaks are for children and young people up to the age of 18 with disabilities
  • We offer a range of short breaks because everyone's needs and circumstances are different. We aim to give families the right support at the right time
  • Short breaks can be individual or group sessions, daytime or overnight, in the child's home or in another setting
  • The aim is to benefit the whole family. Short breaks give the child opportunities to socialise and develop, while giving the family a break from caring duties
  • Most short breaks are provided by specialist charities or small businesses approved by us
  • Universal short breaks are activities available to all children, but support is given for children with disabilities
  • Early Help and targeted short breaks are activities specially designed for children and young people with disabilities. They help children who are not able to take part in universal activities without additional support. They are provided through the All In Programme
  • Specialist short breaks are activities for children and young people with the most complex needs. They need to have a social work assessment to be able to take part in these activities