Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
1) Does my child require an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to be eligible for SEND travel assistance?
No, a child may be eligible based on their special educational needs, disability and/or mobility needs.
2) Will my child be guaranteed SEND travel assistance because they have an EHCP?
A child with an EHCP does not automatically mean they get SEND travel assistance, if a child is attending their nearest/catchment or suitable school and can be reasonably expected to walk to school then they will not be eligible for travel assistance.
Please visit Home-to-school travel - GOV.UK (
3) How do I apply?
Please visit Travel and transport | Shropshire Council
Please provide as much information as you can! We need to know about a child’s individual needs but it’s also very helpful to us if you tell us a little but about them and what they like and enjoy.
If your child does not hold an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) they may not be known to the EHCP Team so it may be worth sharing any other information you have such as Educational Psychologist reports. Please send to with your child’s name, DOB and application reference.
4) How long will I have to wait for my application to be processed?
Unfortunately, we are unable to give a deadline for processing applications, we have a high volume of applications particularly in the summer and work through them in date order. We also need to liaise with the EHCP Team to confirm your child’s details and placement.
5) How do I contact the transport team?
Please email
You can call us on one of the following numbers:
01743 252471
01743 253042
01743 235169
6) Why do I have to pay a contribution for SEND travel assistance for my nursery aged child or young person attending a post-16 provision?
There is no statutory duty to provide any form of assistance for these age groups, currently Shropshire Council does provide assistance in the form of a contribution scheme, regardless of the form of assistance you receive you will pay an annual contribution of £933 or if you are on a low income £299.
7) If I receive mileage reimbursement, why is this set at 0.45p per mile?
This is the rate of mileage reimbursement set by HRMC. We normally only offer mileage expenses for discretionary aged pupils (of nursery ages and aged 16-19).
8) Will my child share transport?
Yes, in most circumstances pupils/students will share transport to school/college.
Unfortunately, it isn’t standard practice to inform parents/carers when/if other children/young people will be added/taken off routes, we will look at the information parents/carers and settings have provided to see if we can foresee any concerns.
9) Will there be a passenger assistant onboard?
Passenger assistants are not automatically allocated to school transport routes, they are allocated based on the number of passengers onboard, a child/young person’s individual needs and/or a child/ young person’s particular medical need that may require intervention in an emergency.
10) Contacts/signposting for teams/services that may be helpful:
EHCP Team:
Disabled Children’s Team:
Early Help 0345 678 9021
Looked after children and leaving care team:
Preparing for adulthood and Adult social care: 0345 678 9044
11) Have drivers and passenger assistants undertaken a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check?
Yes, all drivers and passenger assistants have undertaken an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. All transport staff receive safeguarding training either via the Council’s Licensing team or via an online briefing.
12) How does the Passenger Transport Group manage safeguarding concerns?
The Passenger Transport Group has designated lead officers who handle all safeguarding concerns. All concerns are reported to the First Point of Contact and necessary actions taken as required.