Post-16 (16-19 year olds)

There isn't a statutory duty to provide transport for post-16 aged students, although we currently offer a contribution scheme with an  education, health and care plan (EHCP) to facilitate attendance at the designated/nearest post-16 establishment.

The agreed level of contribution for the 2024/25 academic year is £933. Payment can be split into three termly payments, payable prior to the start of each term. No refunds are issued for reduced or cancelled travel.

For families on defined benefits, a contribution towards the cost of the transport assistance will be £299 for the academic year. This can also be split into three termly payments and no refunds are issued for reduced or cancelled travel. Those benefits are defined as:

  • Income-based jobseekers allowance
  • Income support
  • Free school meals – as authorised by the council, not the school that your child is attending
  • Child tax credit with annual income, as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs, of less than £16,190 on 1 September 2024 or subsequently on the date of application
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • Universal credit – provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods
  • The guaranteed element of pension credit

Entitlement will need to be reassessed on an annual basis and necessary evidence must be supplied.

We assess every young person on their individual needs. The obligations that apply to school transport derive from the Education and Inspections Act 2006, (in particular section 508 A-G), and the Department for Education post-16 transport to education and training guidance.

Parents' travelling expenses

Can I claim?

Only parents of nursery (Under 5s) and post-16 (16 to 19) children can claim parents' travelling expenses. As these age groups aren't statutory there's a financial contribution required, and as such parents will need to consider whether having expenses will be enough to cover the contribution as well.

What can I claim?

Entitled students are eligible to claim back the inwards and return mileage on a pre-agreed daily mileage rate. For example if you live eight miles away from school or college you'll be able to claim 16 miles per day.
We're able to pay 45p per mile.

How do I claim?

Once you've agreed with the Specialist Travel Team that travelling expenses are payable you'll need to complete a payment form to ensure our finance system holds your bank account details. Every month you'll need to complete a claim form by ticking the days that you've provided inwards and return transport. Deliver the form to your school/college where attendance is then assessed. The school/college will then send on the form to us for payment.

Please take a look at our ‘How to apply’ page or email should you have any queries or require further assistance.