Post-16 (16-19 year olds)


Local authorities do not have to provide free or subsidised travel to school/college for those students classed as discretionary, this refers to nursery age and those pupils aged 16-19.

They do have a duty to prepare and publish an annual transport policy statement specifying the arrangements for the provision of transport or other support that the authority considers it necessary.

Local authorities also have a duty to encourage, enable and assist young people with special educational needs, disabilities or mobility difficulties to participate in education and training, up to the age of 25. For those students aged 19 and over please refer to that policy.

Who’s eligible?

The Local Authority has a duty to encourage, enable and assist participation of all young people with special educational needs, disabilities or mobility difficulties up to 25 years of age.

However, there is no automatic entitlement to free travel to school assistance if your child is below statutory school age (pre-school) or over 16 at the beginning of the academic year (1st September).

Travel assistance will generally only be considered to the nearest provision or that is designated as the nearest suitable provision.

You should also meet the following criteria:

  • You live in Shropshire
  • You have an education, health and care plan (EHCP) and/or special educational needs, mobility difficulties and/or disabilities (SEND) the course you are attending is aligned to the aspirations set in your EHCP
  • Normally live over 3 miles from your nearest suitable college (the Council will consider a young person’s needs, their ability to walk the route or use any other expected method)
  • You are attending a full-time educational course (15 hours or more at least 3 days a week) at the nearest suitable school or college to your home address as determined by the Authority.
  • Where the student is not attending the designated provider for the home address the student may still qualify if the qualification, or a comparable qualification resulting from the course selected, cannot be gained at the designated post 16 provider. In this respect, parents and students are advised to identify carefully the qualification resulting from the course: if, in the view of the Authority, the qualification or comparable qualification is available at a nearer post 16 provider, assistance will not normally be granted. Transport will not normally be considered for an A Level Course, other than at the designated post 16 provider, even if the student is taking A Level subjects that are not available at the designated post 16 provider
  • Exceptions to attendance at the designated provider for A Level courses or equivalent will only be considered where students can demonstrate that their choice of subject is an essential, not simply ‘desirable’, prerequisite to their future higher education course or career plans. Such exceptions are few and far between because the course provision at the designated post 16 provider is considered satisfactory to meet any future course or career needs (NB: Higher education establishments do not normally impose specific subject only requirements)
  • No transport assistance is available to students on Higher Education courses
  • Qualification onto this scheme is dependent on a contribution from the applicant
  • Where a vocational course is not available within the County of Shropshire, applications to out of county Post 16 providers will be considered, up to a maximum 20 mile radius from the border of Shropshire

Types of assistance that may be offered

The aim is to ensure that all children and young people lead lives that are independent and as free from restriction as possible.

We would like the offer of the provision of travel assistance to be based on individual needs and circumstances and have regard to the efficient use of resources.

Once a child or young person’s eligibility for travel assistance has been agreed, the Council would aim to the forms of assistance in the below:

  • Personal Travel Budget (PTB)/Travelling expenses
  • Assistance in the form of a Council contracted vehicle
  • Independent Travel Training

This decision would be based on the most suitable type of travel assistance to meet the identified needs of the individual child or young person and will take account of the Council’s duties to make the best use of its resources.

It should be noted that the type of travel assistance offered will be reviewed at least annually and may change as the needs of the child or young person change, whilst continuing to ensure the most suitable travel assistance is provided to meet individual needs and the best use of the Council’s resources.

Travel assistance will usually only be provided for the beginning and end of the standard school/college day and will not cater for individual student timetables.

Any other journeys required will be the responsibility of parents/carers including attendance at annual reviews, medical appointments, before/after school/college activities or any other time.

The Council will always consider forms of travel assistance that help to develop independent travel skills to enable children and young people to lead independent lives as they grow older.

Travel assistance will not be provided for the following;

  • Children or young people taken ill during the day;
  • Alternative provision;
  • Any type of appointments including medical or any other specialists;
  • Children or young people who have been excluded during the school day;
  • Breakfast or after school clubs/any form of childcare
  • Journeys from / to alternative addresses/placements
  • Journeys between different campuses of the same school/college
  • Individual pupil timetables
  • Any off site provision
  • Bespoke transport for examinations
  • Inductions, transitions or ‘taster days’
  • School trips if departure and return times sit outside the normal school drop off and collection time

Independent Travel Training (ITT)

Once it is agreed that a child or young person is eligible for travel assistance the Council will first consider the suitability of Independent Travel Training as their first travel assistance offer. The training will support a child or young person to be taught the necessary skills that will allow them to effectively deal with and resolve a range of scenarios that they might encounter when travelling on public transport.

• Timetables (including time management)

• Road Safety including walking and cycling

• Accessibility (access to transport, exits and purchasing tickets)

• Communication

• Personal Safety (including what-if scenarios)

• Travel Preparation

If the transport team, EHCP Team or education setting identify through a transport application, the assessment process or an annual review that a child or young person may have the potential to be supported to travel independently through a travel training programme, then it will be arranged for a travel training provider to conduct an assessment in the first instance to decide if training is a suitable option for the individual.

If it is decided this is a suitable option, then arrangements will be made to begin training, at the earliest opportunity. A trainer from our travel training provider, will initially contact the parent/carer to arrange an assessment and discuss the offer. This assessment process is undertaken by a qualified Travel Trainer and involves contributions from the young person and their parents, school staff and other professionals. It is expected that where independent travel training is offered as a travel solution, a child or young person will take this up.

Personal Travel Budget (PTB)/Travelling expenses

Once it is agreed that a child or young person is eligible for travel assistance, it may be possible for the Council to provide parents/carers with an amount of money to enable them to provide personalised travel arrangements that best and most flexibly meets the needs of their child and family. The sum provided will be based on the current contractor and associated seat cost, on a route that is able to meet the need of the pupil.

It will not exceed the cost of direct provision of transport by the Council. It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure that travel arrangements made by them are safe and accessible and that school attendance is maintained. A PTB can be refused or withdrawn if these conditions are not met.

This option may be of interest if:

• The parent/carer wants to take their child to school but needs support to make it financially viable

• The child or young person has very complex needs and the parent/carer wants to make their own travel arrangements and/or the Council may be unable to meet the complex needs of the child

• The parent/carer wants to combine the council’s contribution with their own personal finances to provide the child or young person with bespoke travel assistance to meet their needs and fit in with family circumstances.

If a parent/carer is offered this form of travel assistance, it is their responsibility to ensure travel arrangements for the child or young person to:

  • enable them to travel safely
  • enable them to attend school regularly and on time; and
  • enable them to be effectively educated once they arrive at school

If you claim mileage this is at 0.45p per mile for 2 journeys per day. This rate is set by HMRC.

Application Process

  • Parents must apply for travel assistance by completing an application form.  This will be assessed to see if the pupil/student qualifies for school transport and parents will be informed of the outcome. 
  • There is no entitlement to travel expenses or reimbursements for transport arrangements made by parents before they apply to the Council for travel assistance. 
  • If your circumstances change such as change of address or change of school placement then a new application form will need to be completed.
  • A new application is also required when a pupil leaves year 11
  • Travel assistance will not be commissioned until the contribution payment has been received from the parent/carer

 Appeals Process

If an application for travel assistance is not approved by the Council, or the parent/carer disagrees with the type of assistance being offered, parent/carers have a right of appeal. The appeal should be made in writing within 20 working days of the decision letter being received by the parents/carers. Appeals are administered in two stages.

  • Stage one – review by a senior officer
  • A senior officer from the Specialist Travel Team will review the original decision, including any information provided by the parent/carer in their written appeal.
  • Within twenty working days, on receipt of the written appeal a detailed written notification of the outcome will be sent to the parent/carer. This will include information on how to escalate the case to stage 2 (if appropriate). 
  • Stage two – review by a panel
  • A parent/carer has twenty working days from receipt of the local authority’s stage one written decision notification to make a written request to escalate the matter to stage two.
  • Within forty working days of receipt of the parent/carer's request an independent appeal panel will consider written and verbal representations from both the parent/carer and any other supporting information as well as officers involved in the case and will give a detailed written notification of the outcome (5 working days after the panel has met). Parents/carers will have the opportunity to join a formal appeal panel if they wish, this will normally be done online via Microsoft Teams.
  • No assistance/change of assistance will be provided offered will be made during the appeals process.

Travel Assistance Reviews

  • All children and young people’s eligibility for travel assistance will be reviewed regularly.
  • The review will also determine if the type of assistance remains appropriate and when independent travel training should commence.
  • Where travel assistance has been granted on a time-limited basis further information will be sought prior to the end of the agreed assistance period to enable a timely review to take place.
  • Travel assistance will also be reviewed when there is a significant change in circumstances, such as a change in home address, school or a change in the child's or young person’s needs.
  • Transport contracts will also be routinely tendered to ensure we are compliant with procurement rules. We will aim to give families a lead in time (unless tendered for an unforeseen circumstance/emergency reason) and support in managing any change where possible.
  • It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to notify the Council immediately of any changes that may affect the provision of travel assistance. Any changes will mean that there may be a period of time that no provision for travel assistance is in place and parents need to have appropriate contingency arrangements in place in order to get their child to school.
  • Parents/carers must keep pupil information up to date and inform the Passenger Transport Group of any changes to address, school placements, pupil need/medical need and emergency contact information.