Who's eligible for transport assistance?

Suitable travel assistance based on a child or young person’s specific needs will be provided for pupils who, because of their special educational needs, disability or mobility difficulties, can't reasonably be expected to walk to their nearest/catchment or qualifying school.

For pupils aged 5-16 with special education needs, mobility difficulties and/or disabilities and/or an education, health and care plan (EHCP) to qualify for travel assistance, the following must apply:

  • Ordinarily residing in the Shropshire Council authoritative area and of compulsory school age 
  • Travel assistance is only offered from the registered home address
  • Registered at their nearest/catchment or qualifying school
  • Can't reasonably be expected to walk to school because of associated special educational needs, mobility and/or disability

Travel assistance won't be provided for the following; 

  • Children or young people taken ill during the day
  • Any type of appointments including medical or any other specialists
  • Children or young people who have been excluded during the school day 
  • Breakfast or after-school clubs/any form of childcare
  • Journeys from / to alternative addresses/placements
  • Journeys between different campuses of the same school or college
  • Individual pupil timetables 
  • Any off-site provision
  • Bespoke transport for examinations
  • Inductions, transitions or ‘taster days’
  • School trips if departure and return times sit outside the normal school drop off and collection time