Healthy environment
Focused strategic objective
Keep the planet green, keep Shropshire green and safe.
Bulleted strategic objectives
- Climate change strategy and actions
- Safe communities
- Natural environment

We'll deliver the council’s Corporate Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, promoting the means to tackle climate change and reduce our carbon footprint, including the adoption of low-carbon energy for our assets and for communities.
We'll enable safer, sustainable, diverse and inclusive communities that pull together by reducing anti-social behaviour and risk of harm; addressing the issues they face; and adopting the waste hierarchy to reduce, reuse, recycle and recover from all household waste.
We'll maintain, protect, and enhance our outstanding natural and historic environment, promoting positive behaviours and greater biodiversity and environmental sustainability.

What this will mean for you
The rich biodiversity of the county is safeguarded for future generations through the protection and enhancement of existing high-quality habitats, and more trees, hedgerows and planted woodlands.
You'll feel safe and happy in your community, with people joining forces to identify and tackle local issues, enabled by the council and our partners.
Better household recycling centres and an improved waste collection service will result in more household waste being reused or recycled.
Cleaner air, access to an improved network of electric vehicle charging points and better integrated transport and active travel options.
Access to support that will help your transition to renewable technologies and energy efficiency.
Energy-efficient street lighting using combinations of LED, solar and motion-sensitive lights.