Healthy people
Focused strategic objective
Single system view to tackle inequalities, get in early yourself, supported by us or by our partners.
Bulleted strategic objectives
- Tackle inequalities
- Early intervention
- Partnerships
- Self-responsibility
We'll tackle inequalities, including rural inequalities, and poverty in all its forms, providing early support and interventions that reduce risk and enable children, young people, adults and families to achieve their full potential and enjoy life.
We'll support Shropshire residents to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, choosing healthy lifestyles and preventing ill-health, reducing the need for long-term or hospital care.
We'll work with partners to develop, commission and deliver the right services and support that meet the needs of children, young people, adults and families in the right place, at the right time.

What this will mean for you
There will be more places in schools to support children and young people with specialised needs, driving a clear inclusion agenda for change, supporting improved outcomes for children and young people, inspiring them through great inclusive and public-centred learning.
There will be a wider choice of support and activities within Shropshire for vulnerable adults to help them stay in their communities and be independent.
There will be more opportunities for communities to get together, be creative and enjoy themselves.
If you, your family, or child are in difficulty we'll work with you and our partners to prevent a crisis from taking place or from happening again.
Your communities will be healthier, safer, and will feel supported as places to achieve wellbeing for all.