Trading standards New livestock keeper's guide

Whether you keep pet species of livestock (Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Cattle) or are farming livestock on a commercial basis you'll need to be registered with Defra.

If there is a disease outbreak, knowing the location of all livestock, regardless of whether it's a pet or not, is essential to control diseases like Foot and Mouth.

The information provided on these pages is a quick guide to help any new livestock keepers get started. The information detailed are all legal requirements. 

Please note: This is intended for guidance only, for more detailed information reference should be made to the legislation.

For all other enquiries, or specific advice for animals including horses, farmed deer, game, lamas or alpacas please contact DEFRA using the following contact information:

DEFRA Helpline: 0300 020 0301 
Website: GOV.UK

You can also contact us as your Local Authority (if you are based in Shropshire) by either emailing or calling 0345 678 9000.

Guide contents: