Trading standards Animal by-products

Catering waste is considered an animal by-product and must not be fed to farmed animals.

If you have fallen stock or any animal by-product, you should cover it to stop access from wild animals, there are approved methods for disposal.

Burial or burning is not permitted. It is banned due to risk of disease spreading through contaminants in the soil, water and air. You must instead, arrange for fallen stock to be collected by an approved animal by-product transporter and disposed by an approved method without “undue delay”.

Approved disposal methods include removal to a knacker’s yard or hunt kennel, incinerator or renderer. You should keep a record of deaths in your Flock/Herd book or alternatively keep receipts from approved disposal methods as a record.

The National Fallen Stock Company (NFSCo) was set up to help farmers comply with animal by product rules and regulations. You can register with them for a small monthly fee or pay as you go and get fallen stock collected and further advice. Alternatively, you can arrange your own fallen stock collection privately.

How to join the NFSCo

You can register by:

  • Calling the NFSCo Helpline on 01335 32014
  • Sign up on the NFSCo website 

To find out more information about animal by-products, please visit the GOV.UK website.