Trading standards Feed hygiene

EC Feed Hygiene Regulation (183/2005)

This regulation requires that all feed businesses must be approved or registered with the local authority if they wish to grow crops for animal feed, import, sell, transport or store and feed animals destined for the human food chain.

Also, if you feed animals producing animal products (eggs, milk etc.) that are liable to enter the human food chain you'll need to apply for approval or registration under the Feed Hygiene Regulations.

You can download the application form pack that includes an approval/registration form along with the requirements of registration and/or approval, which you must comply with. You must complete and return the appropriate form to your Local Authority as soon as possible.

The food standards agency have a list of activities and an explanation of each. Please ensure that you indicate all the activities that apply to you business. If you're unsure which category applies please enquire further with your local authority or farm assurance. The activities registered for will influence the frequency of inspection by the local authority, so it pays to be sure you have the correct activities registered.

Should you carry out feed mixing at more than one premise in Shropshire each premise needs to be registered. Please complete a form for each premise.

Premises outside Shropshire should be registered with the relevant local authority. If you have any queries please contact us.

To find out more on how to register an animal feed business, please visit the GOV.UK website. 

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