Trading standards Movement records

You're required to keep one holding register for each individual holding you have. The holding register must be in the format specified by the relevant body and may be kept in either electronic or paper form.


You need to record movements of cattle in your herd register within 36 hours on and off, births within seven days (dairy), or 30 days for non-dairy herds, deaths within seven days, and replacement tags of animals within 36 hours.

Once a year on 1 December you need to record the total number of animals present on your holding. You need to keep these records for 10 years. You can find an example of a holding register on the GOV.UK website. 


For pigs there is no formal record as such, you may keep copies of licences as a record or just record the departure, quantity, identity, date and destination in a diary.

You need to keep these records for three years for pigs. Pet pigs which are walked must have a walking license. This must be obtained in advance from Defra.


Movements through a central point recording centre (CPRC) (Market) must be recorded in your flock register within 48 hours (any other type of move is 36 hours).

What also must be recorded within 36 hours is a birth, a death (when discovered), a replaced tag and when a lamb is tagged (include the year of birth, genotype, date of identification and race).

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Tel: 0345 678 9000