Trading standards Registering your livestock with Defra

If you are getting livestock for the first time, once you have the holding number and the livestock are on your holding you will need to register them within 1 month of arrival with Defra. You need to contact Defra. You will be asked your CPH number and correspondence address. 

When your livestock are registered, you will then be given a herd or flock number. The flock (sheep and goats) or herd (cattle and pigs) mark is used to identify animals born on your holding by way of a tag. The mark is needed to allow you to purchase tags for animals born on your holding, or order replacement identification tags should the originals become lost or illegible. You must notify the relevant body as soon as possible if, at any time, you make any changes to existing holdings. Some examples of tag manufacturers are Shearwell and Ketchums

Please note that chickens need to be registered with the Defra poultry register (0800 634 1112) for disease control purposes

Contact us

Tel: 0345 678 9000