Upskill Shropshire Apply for apprenticeships
How apprenticeships can help you develop
Apprenticeships give you the opportunity to build skills, knowledge and behaviour to enable you to achieve success within your role. Apprentices can be accessed by anyone, at any age (16 years+) and are a great way to learn, develop and access further progression opportunities within an organisation.
Apprenticeships at Shropshire are fully supported by the line manager, team and the training provider. Apprentices will receive on-programme support and off the job training to spend time focusing on the apprenticeship.
Apprenticeships can enable you to access new career paths, gain confidence, enhance transferrable skills (ie communication, team work, problem solving, leadership), and also earn whilst you learn.
Through apprenticeships, employers can attract new talent, develop and retain staff, and ensure highly-skilled workforces for the future. We offer apprenticeship from business administration to social work, data analysts to teaching assistants to name a few. Fine out where to apply for our vacancies on this webpage.
How to apply
All our vacancies are advertised on our job pages. Please note the closing date so you can ensure you submit on time. To make sure you submit a great application form, see our application top tips to help you complete your application form.
If you’re looking to apply for primary school-specific apprenticeships, i.e. teaching assistant, early years educator, ensure you check school websites directly and follow the application process as stated on the website.
You can also search for opportunities via the 'Find an apprenticeship' website.
Application process
The process outline below can help you understand what to expect during the application process:
1. View Shropshire Council's current vacancies webpage
If you've seen a vacancy you'd like to apply for, ensure you note the deadline for applications and have read the job description and person specification thoroughly.
2. Apply for an apprenticeship vacancy
Submit your application form by the deadline. Ensure you have completed the form fully. Use the application form top tips to help you apply.
3. Confirm email from employer with outcome of application stage
If you don't hear from the employer one week after closing date, ensure you follow up via telephone or email to check progress/outcome.
4. Interview stage
If your application was successful, you'll likely be invited to attend an interview. Ensure you note all details sent by the employer and prepare - see interview top tips.
5. Outcome of interview
The employer should be in contact in about 5-7 working days maximum (unless stated otherwise) to inform you of the interview outcome. If you're successful you'll likely be presented with a conditional offer. If you're unsuccessful, remember to ask for feedback as this will help you improve for your next interview.
Continue your job search and take on feedback to make improvements for your next interview. Preparation and practice are key.
Your apprenticeship starts with us.
For help with interviews, check out our interview top tips.
Further support and guidance
The following links are for further support in interviews...