Day opportunities
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to feel part of their community and lead a meaningful and purposeful life in the way that they choose to do so. Some people will require varying levels of support to lead the life they want to live.
There's strong evidence that day opportunities within local communities are valued by the people who are supported, and that they improve wellbeing and quality of life. We've developed the map on this page which offers a simple starting point in describing support opportunities available. For more information regarding services listed, please contact them directly and/or look them up on social media or via their websites. You'll also find more information about day opportunity venues on this page.
In may also be useful to explore further groups, clubs, volunteering opportunities and support via the Shropshire Family Information Directory and the Shropshire Community Directory.
Newsroom - read the rainbow times
All the latest from our day centres.
Day opportunities/events
Activities and events at our day centres.