Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings

A 'Team Around the Family' meeting (TAF) is a friendly family meeting. It's a time for everyone who helps children or young people, including their families, to come together and chat. Think of it as a big team working together!

The goal of the TAF is to share information and create a plan that focuses on solving problems and  supporting the child/children and their family. This plan is special because it's not just made by one person - it's made by the whole team, which includes professionals from different areas. We call it a multi-agency meeting because it involves people from different agencies, like schools, health services, and more.


Child and family's views

At the core of a TAF meeting is the importance of gathering the views of the child/children and their family. It's crucial to ensure that the plan we create genuinely reflects what the child and family need and want, even if the child is very young or non-verbal.

In this family meeting, everyone, including the child, their family, and a team of professionals, works together like a big team. We prioritise including the thoughts and feelings of everyone involved, placing a strong emphasis on the views of the child and family.

Throughout the meeting we keep things simple, friendly, and open, with a focus on amplifying the voices of the child and family. Their perspectives take centre stage in shaping the plan. We work together closely with parents, caregivers and children to ensure that their ideas guide the decisions we make. By sharing information and discussing what's best for the child, we create a plan that truly fits their unique situation. The meeting is set at a time that suits the family, ensuring that it's a brief and focused gathering where everyone, especially the child and family, contributes to shaping the best plan for them.

During the Team Around the Family meeting, we'll agree who the most appropriate person is to lead the action plan, and they'll be known as the 'lead professional'. The meetings will be held regularly to review the action plan, and information will be shared about the actions. The action plan will be stored securely.

The TAF meetings will continue until a family have reached their goals and they feel that the support is no longer required.

Lead professional

A lead professional is a person, usually a professional such as a teacher, school support staff or health visitor, who is the single point of contact for a family when working in a Team Around the Family way. They'll bring help to the family and reduce the need to tell their story multiple times.

In simple terms


We have this friendly meeting to talk, understand, and figure out the best way to help the child and their family.

Who is there?

The child/young person, their family, and the professionals from different areas who work with them.

What's the plan?

We want to create a plan that helps the child and family, including professionals from different areas, who can work together to make sure it's a good plan.

What's important?

The child and family's needs come first, and we all work together to find the best solutions.

Who should be there?

The child (if suitable) and family should be there, and even if they can't come, their thoughts and opinions are still considered. Also, professionals from different areas are there to help create a well-rounded plan.


We have a plan template, so everything is clear, easy to understand, and consistent every time.


The meeting is organised when it's helpful for the family, and it only lasts as long as it needs to.

For further information, guidance, and support with the Team Around the Family process, please call The Strengthening Families Team on 01743 253921 or email

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