Changing your child's school

Online applications aren't available to change your child's school. To change your child’s school to a Shropshire school you should complete the mid-term/in-year application form. The form should then be sent to your preferred school, apart from applications for current reception or year 7 children made between September and December. These forms should be sent to the Admissions Team. From January all in-year applications forms are sent to your preferred school.

If the school isn't in Shropshire, contact the relevant local authority to see how you should apply to their schools. You'll find contact details on the Gov.UK website.

The decision to move your child from one school to another should never be taken lightly. A settled placement throughout both primary and secondary school is important. If your child is having difficulties, or you're considering a transfer for other reasons, please discuss the issues with your child's headteacher before making a decision. Moves in year 10 or 11 cause particular difficulties as it's unlikely that your child's chosen GCSE course can be matched at a different school.

There are a number of circumstances in which the local authority may define a pupil as being 'hard to place'. In such circumstances the Department for Education (DfE) requires that all local authorities have a fair access protocol. This protocol has been consulted on with headteachers.

Please refer to the transfers and mid-term applications pages in the general information section of the Parents' Guide to Education in Shropshire for more detailed information on changing your child’s school.

If you apply for a school place and are advised that there's no place available, you're entitled to appeal against allocation of a school place to an independent appeals panel.