Undertaking a personal search
What is the difference between an official search and a personal search?
A personal search is a search of the register of local land charges, and doesn't include information from the Con29.
An official search made at the local authority has a statutory provision for compensation under the terms of the Local Land Charges Act (1975) section 10(3) if the local authority makes any error on the search. This provision doesn't apply when a personal search is carried out.
How to undertake a personal search of the local land charge register?
To make an appointment for a personal search please call 01743 258716
For details such as withdrawn or refused planning applications please refer to the planning online register some historic applications may not be viewable online, for these please contact the relevant planning area office via email planning.northern@shropshire.gov.uk (northern areas) or planning.southern@shropshire.gov.uk (southern areas).
If an answer to a part of the Con29(R) is required, two options are available:
Complete the part Con29 (R) form and submit it to the Local land charges department together with the appropriate fee, or to obtain information under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) please contact the appropriate department for their costs and procedures.