Licensing Current licence applications in consultation
If you wish to make representations in relation to any of the licence applications, please read our guidance before submitting our representation pack. It's an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application, which is punishable with a maximum fine of £5,000 on summary conviction. For a representation to be relevant/valid it needs to be received within the consultation period and it must be in writing and relate to one of the four licensing objectives.
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Red Brick
- Name of applicant
RB Shrewsbury Ltd
- Address
Unit 1 Thornes Hall, 28 Castle Street, Shrewsbury
- Postcode
- Type of application
New premises
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Monday & Tues 06:00 – 23:00
Weds & Thurs 06:00 – 00:00
Fri & Sat 06:00 – 01:00
Sun 06:00 – 00:00
Supply of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, late night refreshments, live and recorded music. Additonal hours till 02:00 Christmas Eve, Day, Boxing Day, New years Eve and bank holidays.
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Ted’s Shop
- Name of applicant
Tinkers Row Brewery Company Limited
- Address
Kettlemore Lane
- Postcode
TF11 8SA
- Type of application
New premises
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises, Mon- Sat 07:00 till 22:00 and Sun 08:00 till 18:00
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Oh So British
- Name of applicant
Oh So British Confectionery Ltd
- Address
Bridgnorth Town Hall
- Postcode
WV16 4DX
- Type of application
New premises
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises:
07:00 – 20:00 Friday and Saturday, 10:00 – 16:00 SundayAdditional hours on all recognised bank holidays and Christmas eve 07:00 – 20:00
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Henstone Distillery
- Name of applicant
Henstone Distillery Ltd
- Address
Dingle Farm,
Trewern- Postcode
SY21 8EG
- Type of application
New premises
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises:
10:00 – 17:00 Monday to Saturday
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Harp Lane Deli
- Name of applicant
Edward Sinclair
- Address
4 Church Street
- Postcode
- Type of application
Minor variation
- End date for representations
- Details of application
To add off sales to the licence to allow consumption off the premises as utilised during the COVID easement.
- Ref no
- Name of premises
- Name of applicant
Bad Habits Ltd
- Address
31 Castle Street
- Postcode
- Type of application
Minor variation
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Bad Habits Ltd proposes the following: 1) The re-wording of condition 12 from “No drinks in open containers will be permitted to be taken outside of the premises.” to “No drinks in open containers will be permitted to be taken outside of the premises, with the exception of a pavement permit/ licence area”. 2) The removal of condition 1 from public nuisance “ All live music will only take place in the basement of the premises. A maximum of once a week either on a Friday or Saturday, plus all national recognised banked holidays and the nights preceding them” as it is obsolete and unenforceable. 3) The edit of condition 3 from public nuisance to read “The bi- fold window at the front of the premises will remain closed from 23:00 hours till the premises closes” as the current condition is linked to music, it isn’t enforceable till 23:00 hours. The proposal of the three above variations is simply to allow the continuation of the current operation, which was inline with pre-covid measures which are now to lapse.
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Café Severn
- Name of applicant
Café Severn Ltd
- Address
Kidderminster Road
Quatford- Postcode
WV15 6QJ
- Type of application
New premises
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Supply of alcohol for consumption of alcohol on the premises, noon till close daily with the addition of recorded and live music.
Open Sun to Thurs 08:00 – 22:00, Fri 08:00 – 23:00 and Sat 08:00 – 00:00.
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Dorrington Crown Green Bowling Club
- Name of applicant
Dorrington Crown Green Bowling Club
- Address
The Maitlands
- Postcode
- Type of application
Club certificate
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Supply of alcohol, consumption on and off the premises:
12:00 – 22:00 daily
- Ref no
- Name of premises
In Good Hands
- Name of applicant
Community @ In Good Hands
- Address
88- 90 Frankwell
Shrewsbury- Postcode
- Type of application
Minor variation
- End date for representations
- Details of application
We have been utilising the easement in the Licensing Act 2003 and wish to apply to add off sales permanently to the premises licence.
We wish to remove the obsolete condition from Annexe 2: “Live acoustic music only once per month.”
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Infinity Golf
- Name of applicant
Infinity Golf Ltd
- Address
Unit 10a High Grosvenor,
Bridgnorth- Postcode
WV15 5PG
- Type of application
New premises
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Supply of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises Sun to Thursday 10:00 – 21:30 and Fri to Sat 10:00 – 22:30 with a 30 minutes drinking up period prior to close.
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Hobsons Brewery
- Name of applicant
Hobsons Brewery & Co Ltd
- Address
New House Farm
Tenbury Road
Cleobury Mortimer- Postcode
DY14 8RD
- Type of application
Minor variation
- End date for representations
- Details of application
New plan, to show removal of kitchen area as the tap room is no longer preparing food on site.
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Ludlow Service Station
- Name of applicant
TG Convenience Stores Ltd
- Address
1 Foldgate Lane
Ludlow- Postcode
- Type of application
Minor variation
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Refurb, application to amend plan of premises
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Nantwich Cheese
- Name of applicant
Silly Cow Cheese Limited
- Address
OHC Building
Waymills Industrial Estate
Whitchurch- Postcode
SY13 1TT
- Type of application
New premises
- End date for representations
- Details of application
06:00 till 18:00 daily, supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises.
Not open to the public.
- Ref no
- Name of premises
Cheswardine Parish Hall
- Name of applicant
Cheswardine Parish Hall
- Address
Podmore Road
Cheswardine- Postcode
- Type of application
New premises
- End date for representations
- Details of application
Opening daily 09:00 – 00:00, supply of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises with 30 minute drinking up period and live and recorded music daily indoors till 23:55.