Alcohol and entertainment FAQs
Why do I need a licence?
Since the introduction of the Licensing Act 2003 in November 2005, anyone who wants to carry out a licensable activity needs a licence to do so. Licensable activities are defined as:
- The sale by retail of alcohol
- The supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club or to the order of a member of the club
- The provision of regulated entertainment such as:
- Plays
- Films
- Indoor sporting events
- Boxing or wrestling entertainment
- Live music
- Recorded music
- Performances of dance
- Entertainment of a similar description to live music, recorded music and performances of dance
- Provision of facilities for making music
- Provision of facilities for dancing
- Entertainment of a similar description to making music and dancing
- The provision of late night refreshment:
- This is the supply of hot food or drink to members of the public, on or from the premises, whether for consumption on or off the premises, between the hours of 11pm and 5am.
Most pubs, clubs, restaurants, bars, hotels, cinemas, theatres and private members clubs will need a licence.
How do I apply?
Take a look at our premises licence application guidance and licensing pages for more information. Please ensure you've read these pages and our licensing policy before applying.
What if I haven't got a premises licence because I don't normally undertake any licensable activities but I want to sell alcohol and/or play live music on a few different occasions throughout the year?
You'll need a temporary event notice (TEN).
What if I already hold a licence and want to change my licensed hours?
Any licence holder wishing to vary the hours during which a licensable activity is permitted, to add or remove licensable activities, to amend or remove conditions within a licence, or to alter the layout of the premises as shown on the plan will most likely need to apply for a full variation.
Any licence holder wishing to make a small, low risk changes to an existing premises licence, such as removing a licensable activity or reducing the hours of activities, will most likely need to apply for a minor variation.
If you’re not sure which type of variation to apply for, contact the licensing team for further advice.
What if I want to change my designated premises supervisor vary DPS application?
The licence holder is required to submit to us a change of DPS application.
I have a personal licence and have changed my address. What should I do?
You need to write to us giving details of your new address, enclosing your current licence (both paper copy and photo card) and a fee.
Find out more information on the new personal licence page or download the personal licence change of circumstances application.
Who sets the fees for the licences?
All of the fees under the Licensing Act 2003 are statutory and are set by central government. As a licensing authority we are bound to charge the set fees.
I am the designated premises supervisor of a premises and am going away on holiday for two weeks. Do I need to let the licensing authority know?
As the designated premises supervisor you're responsible for the premises, in particular the sale of alcohol within it, whether you're on site or not. It's good practice, if you aren't on site, to have another personal licence holder who is on site to authorise the sale of alcohol.
How do I object to, appeal against or ask for a review of a premises licence or a club premises certificate?
Our objections/appeals and reviews page holds the advice and forms you'll need.