Licences Club premises certificate
If you're a qualifying club (a premises that has restricted access to members of the public and alcohol is supplied other than for profit) and wish to provide late-night refreshments, regulated entertainment and to supply alcohol to club members and their guests, you'll need to hold a club premises certificate.
Am I eligible to apply for a club premises certificate?
A club can apply for a club premises certificate for any premises which are occupied and used regularly for club purposes.
What is it for?
To authorise the supply of alcohol, late night refreshments and regulated entertainment in a qualifying club. In a qualifying club there is technically no sale by retail of alcohol (except to guests) as the member owns part of the alcohol stock and the money passing across the bar is merely a mechanism to preserve equity between members where one may consume more than another.
Who needs one?
Any club supplying alcohol and regulated entertainment in a qualifying club.
If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
Contact Licensing
- 0345 678 9026 (taxis 0345 678 9046)