Licences New premises licence
Businesses, organisations and individuals who want to sell or supply alcohol, provide regulated entertainment or late night refreshment must have a licence or other authorisation under the Licensing Act 2003 from us.
Applicants for premises licences/variations to a premises licence must ensure that the correct planning permission is in place for their proposed use of the premises. The granting of a premises licence authorises the use of the premises for licensable activities, it does not replace or remove the requirement to have the correct planning permission in place.
Where a premises is to be used for marriage ceremonies, the applicant must also ensure that they have applied for and obtained approval of the premises as a venue for civil marriage and civil partnership ceremonies from the Shropshire Registration Service.
Am I eligible to apply for a new premises licence?
You must be 18 or over to apply for a premises licence.
Who needs one?
Any individual or business who will be carrying out one of the following licensable activities: Sale by retail of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment and provision of late night refreshment.
How long will it take?
There is a 28 day consultation process which begins the day after a valid application is received by us. If relevant representations are received during this period the application may have to be determined by a hearing of the Licensing Act Sub Committee, which must take place within 20 working days of the end date of the consultation. We therefore recommend that you allow at least a two month period for the application to be determined.
If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
Contact Licensing
- 0345 678 9026 (taxis 0345 678 9046)