Licences Transfer a premises licence
The Licensing Act 2003 allows a premises licence to be transferred from the current licence holder to another individual(s) or business. A transfer of the licence only changes who is the premises licence holder and doesn't alter the licence in any other way.
Am I eligible to apply for a transfer a premises licence?
Yes, if you're the holder of an existing licence.
What is it for?
The transfer of a licence from one person or body to another.
Who needs one?
An individual, limited company, partnership, club, charity, educational establishment etc (see application form for full list) looking to transfer the premises licence from the current licence holder to another individual or business’
How long will it take?
There is a 14 day consultation period with the police and home office for transfer applications. As long as the transfer application is valid it has immediate interim effect as soon as we receive it until it is formally determined, this is to prevent any interruption to normal business at the premises.
If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
Contact Licensing
- 0345 678 9026 (taxis 0345 678 9046)