Licences Breeding dogs licence
Licences to breed dogs are issued under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018.
The conditions attached to dog breeding licences are set out in the regulations. The conditions are mandatory and can't be added to, deleted or amended by us. You can find the conditions and the guidance which accompanies them in the 'Related documents' section of this page.
Required standards and how to meet them
Please visit the website for the statutory guidance on the required standards and how to meet them. The conditions attached to dog breeding licences are set out in the guidance and determined by the regulations. The conditions are mandatory and can't be added to, deleted or amended by us. You can also find the conditions and the regulations in the 'Related documents' section of this page.
Who needs a licence to breed dogs?
Anyone breeding three or more litters of puppies each year (unless they can show that none of the puppies have been sold)
Anyone breeding puppies and advertising a business of selling them, as defined under the ‘business test’ (see business test section below). This is irrespective of the number of litters produced per year. This is not restricted to registered businesses – individuals can be classed as a business depending on the extent of their activities
Factors which will be considered to determine if someone is ‘advertising a business’ include:
- The number, frequency and/or volume of sales
- The volume of animals sold
- The value of the animals sold
- The variety and variability of breeds being sold
- The number of adverts an individual has and where these adverts appear
Who doesn’t need a licence to breed dogs?
- Anyone who can provide documented evidence that none of the puppies were sold or they kept all the puppies themselves
- Registered charities that rehome puppies that are born to rescue dogs
- Anyone breeding only assistance dogs (as defined in the Equalities Act 2010)
- Anyone keeping a dog under the Animal Health Act 1981
- Organisations regulated under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986
- Breeders that breed a small number (ie fewer than three litters a year) and sell them without making a profit
What is the ‘business test’?
The regulations specify two business tests to be considered when deciding if an activity is commercial, and therefore requires a licence. They're not the only method to determine if a licence is required, but we must take them into account when deciding if a licence is required.
- Does the operator make any sale, or otherwise carry on the activity, with a view to making a profit, or;
- Does the operator earn any commission or fee from the activity.
These two tests will be considered alongside the factors in the ‘Who needs a licence to breed dogs’ section when determining if a licence is required.
How long does a licence last?
The length of a dog breeding licence is determined by its star rating:
- 1 star = one-year licence
- 2 star = one-year licence
- 3 star = two-year licence
- 4 star = two-year licence
- 5 star = three-year licence
A licence runs from the date it is granted and must be renewed by the anniversary of the date it was granted in either one, two or three years – dependent on the star rating (see above).
Existing licence holders will receive a reminder from us three months before their licence is due for renewal with a renewal application pack enclosed. Renewal applications must be returned to us a minimum of ten weeks before the expiry date of the initial licence.
If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
Contact Licensing
- 0345 678 9026 (taxis 0345 678 9046)