Licences Club gaming or club gaming machine permit
Am I eligible to apply for a club gaming or club gaming machine permit?
A club gaming permit is a permit authorising gaming in members’ clubs and miners’ welfare institutes; specific detailed provisions apply. A club machine permit is a permit authorising up to three gaming machines (categories B, C or D) in members’ clubs, miners’ welfare institutes and commercial clubs. If you're the occupier/proposed occupier of premises intended to be used by the applicant for club gaming.
What is it for?
These permits allow you to operate up to three gaming machines from category B3A and below. Use the gaming categories link on this page to view the categories.
Who needs one?
Anyone wishing to make a new application for a club, or to convert an existing one, or to change the name on one.
How much will it cost?
This is no cost for this licence.
If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.