Licences Gambling premises licence

It's a statutory requirement that applicants use the correct forms to give proper notice of applications, variations, transfers, provisional statement and published notices to all relevant responsible authorities, including the Gambling Commission.

If you cannot find the form you are looking for on our website, please visit the gambling commission website.

Please be aware that certain forms for notification of applications offer different versions depending on the applicant e.g a single applicant would use form A and multiple applicants would use form B

If you are not sure which form you need to use to give notice of your application, please contact the Licensing Team.

What is it for?

To apply for a premises licence for a casino, bingo hall, adult entertainment centre, family entertainment centre or betting shop, you must first apply for an operator’s licence from the Gambling Commission. Premises licences may only be issued to those who hold a relevant operating licence, or who have applied for one. Premises licences may be transferred to someone else holding a valid operating licence. If you wish to reinstate, transfer or vary a licence, please refer to the relevant form attached to this page.

Who needs one?

Anyone wishing to run a casino, bingo hall, adult entertainment centre, family entertainment centre or betting shop.

If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

Contact Licensing