Licences House to house collections permit
The definition of ‘collection’ extends beyond requests for money, to include the sale of magazines, requests for unwanted clothing and household items, visits to persuade persons to buy goods etc, where any part of the proceeds may go to charity.
The only exception to this rule is organisations that have been granted an exemption certificate by the Home Office under the provisions of the House to House Collections Act 1939. This certificate allows an organisation to collect in the district without applying for a licence. The organisation must inform us of the dates and areas of any planned collections.
A permit can be granted for a period of up to 12 months and can be issued on a county wide basis.
There's no fee payable for a permit; however collectors are required to purchase and wear a badge issued by The Stationary Office (TSO).
If you wish to apply for a permit, an application should be made to us no later than 28 days before the collection is due to take place.
Who needs one?
A house to house collection permit is required if you plan to undertake a collection (see definition above) from door to door within the Shropshire Council area.
How much will it cost?
This is no cost for this licence.
What will I need before I apply?
- A completed application form
- See application form for any additional requirements
Do I need to do anything else?
Once a collection permit has been issued, the applicant must contact the HM Stationery Office to obtain tickets for each collector: HM Stationery Office, P.O. Box 569, London SE1 9NH. If you don’t get a permit before starting house-to-house collections you could face up to six months in prison and a fine of up to £1,000. If you or anyone collecting on your behalf doesn’t give a police officer their name, address and signature when asked to, they could be fined up to £200.
If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
Contact Licensing
- 0345 678 9026 (taxis 0345 678 9046)