Licences Street trading licence
Pay for this application
If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
Shropshire Council’s Street Trading Policy 2023-2028 is applicable to the regulation of street trading across the whole of the administrative area of Shropshire Council. All streets in Shropshire, as defined in section 329 of the Highways Act 1980, are Licence Streets with the exception of any street/area specifically listed within the Policy. This includes any area to which the public have access without payment.
“Street trading” is the selling, exposing, or offering for sale of any article (including a living thing) in a street.
“Street” includes any road, footway, beach, or other area to which the public have access without payment; and a service area as defined in section 329 of the Highways Act 1980.
All streets in Shropshire, as defined in section 329 of the Highways Act 1980, are 'licence streets' with the exception of any street/area specifically listed in the Policy. This includes any area to which the public have access without payment.
“Licence street” means a street in which street trading is prohibited without a licence granted by the council. Street trading in a licence street without a licence is a criminal offence. If a street is designated as a “licence street” then applications can be made by persons over 17 for a licence to trade in the articles described in the application on certain days on that street. For so long as the designation of licence street remains in place for that particular street or part of street the council is duty bound to grant or renew a properly made application unless one or more of the statutory grounds for refusal applies. When granting or renewing a licence the council may attach any reasonable condition, furthermore the council can at any time vary the conditions attached to a licence. There is a right of appeal against a council decision made in respect of a Street Trading Licence.
If you want to trade in the street within the Shropshire Council area you should read our Street Trading Policy to ensure you are familiar with all the requirements and application process. A full list of streets which are not subject to a licence, or where different rules apply can also be found in Appendix 1 of the policy.
Street trading in Ludlow is administered by Ludlow town council. Enquiries and applications should be made directly to that council. Further information can be found on their website.
For street trading in the Square in Shrewsbury town centre, please refer to our Square guidance (under the related documents section of this page). You will need to book a pitch on the Square to trade there as well as apply for a Street Trading Licence. Please visit the Square booking web pages directly to do this.
If you have any further queries about street trading, please contact the Licensing team.
Ice cream vendors
Do I require a Street Trading Licence?
- Yes - if you are trading from a Van or Bike (without a Pedlar’s Certificate)
- Yes - if you are selling ice cream from a kiosk or a movable stall/van/cart
Please see Appendix 1 of the Policy for licensable areas.
A special event licence may be applied for where a standalone event at which there will be multiple traders is being organised by an individual, organisation, business or similar. A special event licence can be issued for a period of no longer than three days.
Any person wishing to hold an event which includes trading in a licensed street will require a licence issued by the council.
The following do not require a Special Events Licence:
- Sales of articles by householders within the curtilage of their residential premises providing this is not a commercial concern eg homemade jams, surplus fruit and vegetables from gardens etc. This is considered to be the disposal of surplus domestic produce and not commercial trading
- Produce from working farms sold within the curtilage of the farm premises where it was produced
- Community based and run events for non-commercial purposes, such as school or village fetes
- Events or activities run for charitable purposes where the profit from the event is passed entirely to the charity concerned
- Car boot sales on private property
- Traders that are part of a travelling fair.
Am I eligible to apply for a Street Traders Licence?
Any person over the age of 17 can apply for a licence.
If you are unable to pay for your application online, please contact the Licensing team using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
Contact Licensing
- 0345 678 9026 (taxis 0345 678 9046)