Examples of where permit exemptions won't be granted

The following won't be granted exemption permits for their vehicle to use a zone during the times of the school streets prohibition, and may be issued a PCN if entering the area during the operational times. 

  • Residents living outside the school street
  • Parents/carers dropping off/collecting children at the school. (A person providing childcare, similar to that of a childminder - whether it’s a family member or a paid person/organisation, is deemed a visitor and won't be eligible to apply). 
  • Friends and relatives of residents in the school street (visitors) 
  • Tradespeople
  • Unmarked delivery vehicles
  • Automatically exempt vehicles travelling in a personal capacity (driver of exempt vehicle, travelling for reasons other than in a work capacity, for example, transporting their child to school in a marked delivery vehicle)

Instead, it's advised that any planned visitor either chooses to walk or cycle their journey, park their car in a nearby street and walk the short distance to the school, or arrive outside of the hours of the school street zone.