Key dates/timeline

Please note that any future dates below are approximate projections, and as such are subject to change.

Key milestones

  • May 2019 Governance report on Shrewsbury North West Relief Road (SNWRR) presented to the Place Overview Committee.
  • July 2019 Oxon Link Road (OLR) planning application withdrawn; decision to combine with NWRR following £54m funding from the Department for Transport.
  • Spring 2020 Cabinet approved a proposal for Shropshire Council to combine the North West Relief Road NWRR and OLR into one project.
  • February 2021 NWRR planning application submitted; engagement with stakeholders ongoing.
  • August 2021 Revised planning application submitted with changes for lower carbon construction and other improvements.
  • October 2023 Planning committee resolved to grant planning permission, subject to agreement of section 106 and satisfactory discharge of conditions.
  • February 2024 Planning conditions approved, Section 106s pending agreement.
  • September 2024 Full business case (FBC) to be discussed at full council in September before submission to the Department for Transport (DfT).
  • Early 2025 DfT approval expected
  • Summer 2025 Expected start of main works construction
  • Winter 2026 Road opens

More detailed timeline


  • 21 March – Department for Transport awards £54.4m towards the construction of the NWRR
  • April / May - environmental baseline surveys carried out
  • 16 May - update report to full council / programme entry ratification
  • June - governance report to overview/scrutiny committee
  • September to December – completion of further detailed designs in line with environmental, technical and adjacent landowner/stakeholder requirements


March / April – pre-planning submission public and stakeholder consultation.


  • 19 February – planning application
  • May – Further phase (4) of ground investigation works commenced
  • 26 August – revised planning application details submitted to the local planning authority


  • March – phase (4) of ground investigation works completed
  • August to November – specialist ground investigation (phase 4A)


  • 2 February - supplementary environmental information submitted to the local planning authority
  • 8 February – further 30-day consultation period commenced
  • June – advanced works preparation/utility diversions programmed
  • 31 October - planning committee and scheme approved, subject to agreement of Section 106 and conditions
  • Winter – contract(or) procurement


  • 15 February – planning committee approved planning conditions, subject to Section 106 agreements
  • Spring – completion of Section 106 agreements and planning permission granted
  • Full business case to be considered by the council
  • Full business case to be submitted to DfT


  • Full business case endorsement by DfT
  • Appointment of contractor
  • Summer – start of main works construction
  • Throughout – main works construction


Winter – road open.


  • Summer – project fully complete
  • Summer – traffic calming measures to Welshpool Road