
In March 2019 key people and organisations from across Shropshire and the West Midlands welcomed the Department for Transport’s award of £54.4m towards the construction of the Shrewsbury North West Relief Road.

The proposed scheme has received acknowledgement and support from Shrewsbury BID, Midlands Connect and the Marches LEP. Other business and stakeholder endorsements have been made through the planning portal.

West Midlands Combined Authority

Andy Street, then mayor of the West Midlands, said:

“I’m delighted that the government is investing heavily in Shropshire’s transport links. Combined with the improvements to the train services we will see in May, these investments will continue to drive the economic performance of Shrewsbury, Shropshire and the wider West Midlands.

“Today’s confirmation of the North West Relief Road is great news for the Shropshire economy. It will enable essential development to occur and reduce transport barriers, it will open up new locations for housing development for families and at the same time enable essential commercial space to be developed. The impact is beyond a road as this will encourage inward investment into the county. The aim now must be to encourage and secure new employers into the county, bringing higher skilled jobs and opportunities so the full potential is realised.”

Midlands Connect

Maria Machancoses, director of Midlands Connect, said:

“Shropshire has earned this timely announcement. In total it’s been almost half a century to get the North West Relief Road from local idea to central government investment. Today’s commitment will help future-proof the local road network for the next half century.

“Midlands Connect congratulates the leadership of Shropshire Council, the Marches LEP and local representatives in parliament for their tireless work in bringing these plans to fruition. I look forward to continuing working with them over the coming months and years to make our region’s roads and railways fit for the 21st Century and beyond.

“Today’s announcement is a vote of confidence in the economic potential of Shrewsbury, Shropshire and our region. I’m sure it is the first of many major investments we’ll welcome and celebrate as the Midlands speaks with one voice to earn the backing our potential deserves.”

Shrewsbury BID

Seb Slater, executive director of Shrewsbury BID, said:

“There are ambitious plans for improving Shrewsbury, as outlined in the Big Town Plan, and one of the priorities is to make movement in and around the town centre better for everyone.

“This includes better pedestrian and cycle routes, and reducing through traffic in the town centre.

“The North West Relief Road will be a big step towards that vision, as it will allow greater traffic flow around Shrewsbury and lessen the need for people to drive through the centre.

“That would then unlock the exciting opportunity of making the riverside and west end of Shrewsbury much more enticing to visitors.

“There will also be a wider benefit of encouraging more inward investment into Shrewsbury as a whole, creating jobs and growing the economy, which will of course have a positive impact on our town centre members.”

Shropshire Chamber of Commerce

Richard Sheehan, chief executive of Shropshire Chamber of Commerce, said:

“The relief road will significantly improve the travelling time between the business parks, especially for young employees in their quest for work in the town, increasing use of public transport which in turn will ultimately reduce the congestion throughout Shrewsbury centre.

“All will help to develop the infrastructure in the town, making it a more attractive offer for inward investment, providing economic growth and bolstering the already thriving business community of the town.”

Albrighton Estate and Farms

Joyce Jagger, said: "On behalf of Albrighton Estate and Farms, I welcome the news of funding for the relief road. The increase in traffic has made it a necessity.”