Sustainable biodiversity

We're committed to responsible development that balances progress with environmental responsibility. We’re ensuring that throughout the construction and life of the NWRR, Shropshire’s stunning natural environment is protected from harm.

Considerate construction

The NWRR project will incorporate lower carbon construction methods, minimising environmental impact from construction and helping to reduce the overall carbon footprint of the scheme.

Improved drainage

The NWRR has been designed with a focus on effective and sustainable drainage. One of the key concerns raised during the planning phase was the construction taking place over a source protection zone. As a result, the planning approval came with conditions, including the submission of a road drainage management plan.

This plan comprises management responsibilities and maintenance schedules for the section of the road through source protection zones in Shelton. The plan had to be submitted to and approved by us in advance of the full approval of the scheme. This will ensure that the NWRR has an effective and environmentally conscious drainage system in place.

New woodland

We’ll also be planting 84 new trees to replace those lost as part of the scheme, in locations specifically identified to give them the best chance of becoming the veteran trees of the future, and we'll create a new four-hectare community woodland of native tree species for the benefit of future generations.

Improved biodiversity

As well as trees, there are plans to create biodiverse corridors and make much-needed improvements to natural habitats, which will attract and support a variety of wildlife. Currently the land is grassland, which isn't very biodiverse. Planting biodiverse corridors will see an increase in species, and breathe a new lease of life into Hencote Pool - a site of special scientific interest (SSSI) which has become neglected and fallen into poor condition over recent years.