Sustainable transport strategy

The NWRR directly complements the Shrewsbury Moves sustainable travel strategy by significantly reducing levels of traffic heading into and out of the town centre. This is a crucial part of creating an environment that encourages walking, cycling and the increased use of public transport with shorter journey times. The road will mean that traffic from the north and west will no longer need to travel through town, reducing strain on the A5, A458 and A528.

Reducing congestion

By offering an alternative route, the NWRR will alleviate congestion in the town centre, resulting in smoother traffic flow, shorter queues, and less frustration during rush hours. Commuters, residents, and businesses will all benefit from this improved mobility.

Encouraging 'active travel'

The creation of a new network of cycle routes and footpaths alongside the new road. These routes will encourage active transport, promote physical fitness, and provide safer options for pedestrians and cyclists. As part of wider upgrades proposed to Shrewsbury’s transport network as part of the recent Shrewsbury Moves proposals, we’ll be adding new active travel routes throughout the town centre, and these will be made safer by a reduction in cars and heavy traffic on the roads.

Active Travel Banner Image

Safer roads and fewer HGVs

Many Shropshire villages to the northwest of Shrewsbury are currently blighted by traffic 'rat runs' trying to bypass the long loop around Shrewsbury created by the incomplete ring road, with HGVs trying to avoid the A5 thundering through villages such as Ruyton XI Towns, Baschurch, Forton Health and Montford Bridge.

For Shrewsbury the NWRR will provide an alternative route for vehicles travelling between the north and west of the town (removing the need for vehicles to travel into and out of Shrewsbury).

Lorry blocking road in Ruyton XI Towns Lorry causing tailback in Ruyton XI Towns

Improving journey times

Reducing traffic in Shrewsbury town centre will result in reduced journey times and fewer jams on the A5 around Shrewsbury. By creating a more efficient transportation network, the relief road will reduce travel times for commuters and residents, making your journeys quicker and more convenient. Less traffic travelling through the town centre would also mean more reliable local bus services and more space on the roads for the innovative transport methods proposed by the Shrewsbury Moves plans.

Shrewsbury’s historic town centre and surrounding villages have long struggled to cope with the volumes of traffic they receive. The NWRR will reduce the negative impact of traffic in many communities. It will play a key role in reducing the levels of traffic currently using neighbourhood roads in the town.

Shrewsbury Town Centre Image