Information for operators

Commercial and subsidised services

All local bus services are bound by certain regulations. For example, the operator must hold the relevant licences and register the service with the traffic commissioner 56 days prior to the start of the service.

There are subtle differences between services operated entirely commercially and those subsidised by a local authority.

Commercially operated services may operate on any route, to any timetable, and the operator may charge any fare. They must not receive any local authority funding.

Subsidised services may only operate where there is a passenger need for a bus service that is not met by the commercial market. If this is demonstrable, and if the local authority has sufficient funds, it may enter into a contract with a commercial operator to provide a service.

The local authority uses a process called competitive tendering to decide upon the operator.

Operators of local bus services (LBS) may be entitled to BSOG (bus service operator grant) payments. Further information is available on the website.

Operator Framework

Our approved operator framework is called a dynamic purchasing system which is managed through an online tendering system called Delta E-Sourcing. All bus, coach and taxi operators are invited to apply to join. Once you've been accepted on to the framework you will be able to tender for transport contracts.

Generally, we only use operators who have been accepted onto the framework to provide transport, this enables us to streamline the tendering process and provide a level of quality assurance. The current framework is due to expire on the 31 October 2024 however we can still accept new applications during this period.

If you want to apply to join our approved framework of operators please send an email with the details of your company to and a member of our team will provide you with the details on how to make your application.

Tendering process

Attached to this page are the results of the local bus tendering process.

Driver and passenger assistant registration

It's a requirement for transport operators to appropriately register and obtain our authorisation for any driver or passenger assistant they wish to use on our transport services. Registration forms are available from the Passenger Transport Commissioning Group (contact details on this page).

Code of conduct

The ‘code of conduct for operators’ applies to operators, drivers and passenger assistants who provide transport on our behalf. All drivers and passenger assistants must be fully aware of this code, as well as all relevant legal requirements. They must also be aware of how to use the equipment in their vehicle in the event of an emergency.

Operators should give the safety of passengers and other road users the highest priority at all times.