What is the role of SENDIASS

SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) is a free, confidential and impartial service for children and young people aged 0 – 25 years, with special educational needs and /or disability (SEND), and their parents, living in Shropshire. SENDIASS offers parents and young people support around any concerns they might have about SEND, from initial concerns about a possible SEN and disability, through to complex information and advice, and explains your options, rights and responsibilities.

Every local authority must have an information, advice and support service (IASS), and in Shropshire it's based in Citizens Advice Shropshire. It's a small team of five members consisting of a manager, three IASS officers for parent carers and one youth worker specifically for young people.

  • Nick Willis, IASS manager
  • Becki Sheldon, IASS officer
  • Lorna Crawford, IASS officer
  • Andrea Sear, IASS officer
  • Lynne Taylor, IASS youth worker

All SENDIASS staff provide information and advice relating to education, health and social care, including SEN / disability law and national and local policy.

To ensure that the information provided is up to date and based on law, the Information, Advice and Support Services Network provides regular training delivered by the Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA). IASS must complete all three levels. IASS Minimum Standards are approved by the Department for Education (DFE) and department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), and all IAS Services must work within them.

SENDIASS can signpost you to additional local and national sources of information. They can also help with paperwork and preparation for meetings, discussing what questions to ask and empowering you to share your views. They can explain jargon to help your understanding.

Through our partner organisations, SENDIASS provides information, support and advocacy around welfare benefits, finance, debt and money management advice.