Licensing Licensing types

We're the licensing authority for the administrative area of Shropshire Council, responsible for the following areas...

Alcohol and entertainment

Temporary event notices, personal and premises licences.


Dangerous wild animals, kennels / catteries, dog breeding, performing animals, pet shops, riding stables and zoos.

Skin piercing

Including acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing, electrolysis, semi-permanent and skin colouring.

Street licences and permits

Street trading, pavement trading and house to house collections.


Bingo halls, casinos, gaming machines, small lotteries and racecourses.

Caravan sites

Caravan sites and site operators.

Explosives and fireworks

Storage and sale of explosives and fireworks.

Scrap metal

Scrap metal dealers and operatives in the motor salvage trade.

Sex establishment licence

This includes sex shops, sex cinemas and sexual entertainment venues in Shropshire.


For hackney carriages, private hire vehicles, private hire operators and hackney carriage/private hire drivers (joint drivers licence).

All other licences

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